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Gautrey Group Services


We have a strong reputation for delivering fast-paced intensive workshops with a sharp practical edge. Using highly interactive processes, we focus people on simple, well researched approaches which make a significant difference in their results, both as individuals and on behalf of their organisation. Not for the faint-hearted, but certainly an engaging, practical and tangible workshop.

Two-Hour Bite-Sized : Full Workshop Example


   Executive Service

We realise that at senior levels you are very busy, yet still need to be at the top of your game. Our new Executive Service is tailored specifically to meet the needs of very busy people. We have been able to package some of the most advanced thinking in the area of influence into high impact short sessions. These are usually conducted remotely to save time and money.

The Executive Service


   Coaching and Mentoring

At senior levels it is often necessary to apply a more bespoke approach. Influence is usually on the development plan, but exactly what needs to change? We work closely with our clients to determine which particular skills or knowledge areas will — if improved — have the greatest impact on results. Then we target this to a specific business deliverable and outline a coaching plan to achieve the required development and the accomplishment of the business goal.

This coaching/mentoring is delivered in a tough, no-nonsense style, while at the same time giving time for reflection and implementation.

Coaching and Mentoring : The Executive Case Study : The Rising Star Case Study


   Virtual Workshops

That's right, we run workshops remotely. This is particularly useful if you have a team spread around the world. We usually schedule a series of bite sized modules and can either make use of your technology to link up, or use our own.

One of the big advantages of using this technology is that we can make use of the bite sized modules to create a programme of events over a period of time (between sessions, people can use our diagnostics) — and all without leaving their desk!



If you're running a conference or have an existing programme, why not add a little extra excitement? You can book Colin Gautrey or one of his team of experts to present to your group on subjects which deliver world leading insight into our very topical and relevant area. Recent seminar titles include "Political Games and Dirty Tricks", "The Influential Leader", "Strategic Networking" and "Navigating Group Dynamics".

All sorts of groups have used these seminars, including women's groups, interim consultants, MBA networks, as well as many business schools and companies around the world. Call us today to find out how we can boost your conference or network.



The bottom line is that we love talking about power and influence. So if you think there is something not working well in your organisation, and it might have something to do with power, influence, or even politics, why not give us a call?

With our background expertise, and our determined focus on practical change, we may well be able to pinpoint what needs to happen without making a great fuss.

Political Temperatures : Criticality of Political Skill


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