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The Gautrey Influence Programme

This programme has been developed specifically to support middle to senior managers who recognise the importance of becoming increasingly influential. By focusing your leadership development on influence, you will be able to focus on ever more tangible results.

Based on the unique work of Colin Gautrey, this package presents a valuable combination of materials and assessments, all focused on helping you to build greater influence.

The Gautrey Influence Programme

Try out The Gautrey Influence Programme

We want to offer you the chance to discover a taste of what this programme can do.

One of the core elements of the programme is The Influencing Skills 360. You can complete the self-assessment part of this survey after a simple registration. This will...

  • Provide you with a summary of your perceived capability in seven dimensions of influencing skill.
  • Clarify which elements you believe you need to work on.
  • Demonstrate the simplicity of our approach to developing influencing skills.
  • We hope, encourage you to progress further in developing your influencing skills with our help.

And Remember, this is only one element of an extensive programme. We hope to see you as a client soon!

To try out the self-assessment survey, just click the link below, register and you'll be taken straight to the survey.

Click here to register and complete your survey. and remember, you can return to this area of our site at any time by clicking the link in the top left just below our logo.



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