Creative Magpie
Exaggerating involvement in the ideas and
good work of others or blatantly stealing them whilst hiding
the originators' worthy contributions.
The Creative Magpie comes in many varieties.
The Lesser-Spotted Magpie flies around collecting ideas, data
and proposals from others. These are then fed up to a higher
authority but presented as the Magpie's own work. The more
vicious variety (the Vulture Magpie?) listens to ...
These are not very funny, they are very serious and cause lots of problems for people. If
you want to find out how to protect yourself from this, and many others, you'll find this book provides
extensive help, practical advice and lots of encouragement to influence with integrity and stop the
21 Dirty Tricks at
Work by Colin Gautrey and Mike Phipps
and published by Capstone Wiley.