Email to the Gods
email to shame or coerce another. This is usually an email arriving
from a colleague (which includes either true or false information),
levelling accusations of blame, which are also copied on to bosses,
directors, customers, suppliers, etc.
Email to the Gods was the first political game in cyberspace that
we were able to isolate and describe succinctly enough to be able
to prescribe a suitable antidote. We define it as using email to
publicly shame or coerce another. It usually takes the form of an
email arriving from a colleague, levelling ...
These are not very funny, they are very serious and cause lots of problems for people. If
you want to find out how to protect yourself from this, and many others, you'll find this book provides
extensive help, practical advice and lots of encouragement to influence with integrity and stop the
21 Dirty Tricks at
Work by Colin Gautrey and Mike Phipps
and published by Capstone Wiley.